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Thread: Hiveminded Fission Power?

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    Firbolg in the Playground
    MaxiDuRaritry's Avatar

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    Dec 2015

    Default Hiveminded Fission Power?

    Is there any combination of abilities that a psion could reasonably get to hivemind with a fission of himself whenever he manifests the power? As in, he's in full control of both bodies and their senses as if they were his own, and having two brains allows him to control both entirely separately?

    You might be able to do something like this if you were gestalted with vermin lord and used aspect of the wolf to be treated as the animal type for hiveminding purposes, but that A.) takes quite a lot of time and effort, and B.) involves outside factors, such as all the other 48 animals needed to form a hivemind.

    I mean, you could take the Old Blood feat from Bastards & Bloodlines (3rd party) and the Emulate Another feat from World of Warcraft - Alliance Player's Guide (also 3rd party) to emulate a living wall, from Dragon Magazine (practically 3rd party), or be an illithid savant and eat one of the bodies from a living wall, but those definitely have their issues.

    Any other ways that this could be done reasonably quickly? Manifest fission and fully merge with it in a couple of rounds?
    Last edited by MaxiDuRaritry; 2020-01-26 at 12:17 AM.