Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
The Emperor should've stuck to actual humans
Quote Originally Posted by Cikomyr2 View Post
You know why the Emperor sucked so bad? Because he doesn't care about individuals. He care about the Big Picture
how about 'the emperor shouldn't have created a galaxy-wide totalitarian meatgrinder that only serves to multiply human misery'?

"The Imperium is/was doing what has to be done" is the worst 40K take. It's literally buying into arguments that are presented satirically. No empire that fights wars with giant space cathedrals full of actual chain gangs hauling shells into place with actual chains is doing things sensibly or efficiently. No scaremongering about external threats makes sense if an empire then goes on to survive 10,000 years without the guy who claimed he was the only protection. Please don't read warhammer as pro-fascist.