"I'm really not sure what I should do now." Mart smirks about Larimar's quip but seems to give it some serious thought. "With all I know about magic and it's not that much mind you, I think it would be pretty hard to controll all these people all the time in a way that it seems believable."

He faces Thaum and says: "Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking. Here is your goal, make it there and we even have some presents for you on the way." Mart sneers, but seems to relax a bit.

He turns to Coney and says: "Oh, it's not permanent. I can still feel the embers of my rage resting inside me, ready to burst out in a consuming flame. Or was that to philosophical?" He laugs a bit but then his mood darkens with Coney's following words. "It really does exist, huh? That should not surprise me, the best lies have some truth hidden inside." He grumbles to himself and seems seriously torn, his feelings openly displayed in his contorted face. Mart does come to a conclusion after a bit of time though, his face relaxed.

"You know, I heard they wanted to sometimes, maybe, attack this rabite village in the four-season-forest. I should have joined them when I'm done here. As far as I know they wanted to gather some more people for that, because they are some capable rabite's there. But I don't know when they will attack, if they even still want to do that or what they're battle plan was." He sighs heavily. "And I still don't want to fight against people I knew before when I can avoid it. But you know if you want I could go there, scout around and give you a warning should I find them moving? I mean if they want to attack with a serious force they can't be that subtle or fast."