Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
Some Earth nobles discuss....current events.
"Look all I'm saying is that they saw Solituses power, villainous though he may be, people might think twice about underestimating Earth again."
"I'm pretty sure some saving of face to the galaxy at large is in order, and he got killed anyways, that doesn't look good even from a strength perspective"
"Well Oxyribo killed him and he's from Earth..."
"ugh, that one. The strange rude bugman that just showed up out of the blue took a city by force and could wipe us out at any time if we don't dance around his whims, that doesn't make me feel any better."
"All I'm saying is that an Person of Earth did in fact help kill Solitus and he is a ruler of an Earth city. regardless of our feelings on him, We can spin that to help with the apology, lets not give the wider universe a reason to come attack us."
"Of course we'll have to pitch this to the dog-king....not happy about him using a wish to rule the planet either. Lots of people aren't."
"Not happy with aliens either, especially after the ork invasion. I'm not happy with them, aren't all-powerful Arcosians and whatnot supposed to be defending against that sort of thing? isn't Apfel and his oh-so-great Jade refera supposed to be doing that? Where'd SHE even come from anyways?"
"We're surrounded by gods and monsters, chaps. Lets be careful, shall we? Kami knows, the commoners won't. Their mood is....not happy. With anything thats been happening, especially with the spread of education and information due to Shining City and Oxy city making them more educated. the Bourgeois are some of the ki users most ardent detractors. "a bunch of thuggish louts who use their muscle more than their intellects" I believe is one of their opinions of it them... "
"The working class is just as angry, just for more ignorant reasons..."
"but then again the Bourgeois are critical of everyone in power lets be honest..."
One thing is for sure, this is going to be a mess to clean up.
A very specific noble was sitting at the table during the meeting, flanked on either side by a blue-haired scientist and a tall, heavily-muscled blue-haired boy. He adjusted his monocle, then raised his hand to quell the group before speaking up.

"There is truly no need to worry," he said. "My company is already working on a project to make humanity one of the most powerful forces in the known universe. Before the year is out, we will be able to stand toe to toe with even the most powerful of aliens."


[The Shining City]

Starlight stepped through the city, looking for where the bio-androids were gathered. After the invasion, she has woken up in sickbay and immediately been called home by Princess Celestia regarding an emergency. And now she was back to warn the Alliance. But first, she had a very important task she needed to complete. She had to find Purple Moth.