Spoiler: knowledge history check
you know there's something more important about that clan, but right now your history brain is still half asleep and can't remember what it was.

He looks startled for just a heartbeat before letting out a deep belly laugh slapping the table. "Back when this town was little more than a cow pasture, my ancestor starting building this tavern....which became infested by dire rats...seemed no matter how many he killed, they came back 100 fold....according to the stories anyway, and one day one of those rats is sitting as calm as you please right over there, " he points to where the check-in desk currently sits, "up on its hind legs and looked ready to just move in! Funnily enough, after he let that one live, they never had an infestation problem ever again, and since he didn't speak dire rat, the family named it after that rascal."