Quote Originally Posted by Rynjin View Post
That's not really an entirely different style, but TBF that would be the impression you would get if you tried to start with Agent 47 (the original game).

IMO, Agent 47 and Silent Assassin (I'm really glad the first two games had subtitles, so the new Hitman and Hitman 2 aren't AS confusing to talk about as similar reboots) are...not good games. Contracts is the first I'd say is even a passably fun game.

The series hit its original peak with Blood Money though, which builds off what Contracts did, moving it toward a much more methodical, environmental/observation driven assassination style. In the first two games you could quite viably run through the levels (many of which are QUITE linear) just run and gunning; that's how I beat them when I did my big binge of the series up through Blood Money about 7-8 years ago, because the stealth mechanics in Agent 47 and Silent Assassin are straight trash.

If you like new Hitman, I'd say give Blood Money and maaaaaybe Contracts a shot, along with of course new Hitman 2. Absolution is...kind of an odd duck, in that it's a story driven hybrid experience between Agent 47 and Silent Assassin's fairly linear gameplay and Contracts and Blood Money's more mission based "just kill the guy however you want" gameplay. Blood Money SORT of had a plot in the last couple of missions, but Absolution takes that setup and runs with it to some ****ing bizarre places. It's worth experiencing though, IMO.
Thanks for the recommendations! Hitman as a series was always kind of impenetrable for me because I wanted to start from the beginning and not miss out on story. It sounds like there isn't a ton of plot to be worried about.

The stealth sucking in the first game is definitely what turned me off that one. Checking my Steam library, I appear to have Blood Money with a total amount of 23 minutes played. I recall there being something in the first mission that made me ragequit, but I don't remember what it was now.

The current game just disappointed me in a really nitpicky and trivial fashion. It won't let you pull out a silenced pistol while seated. This bothers me far more than it should, as my visions of re-enacting that scene from Dr. No go up in smoke.

Still, what other game lets you shoot someone while dressed as a golf coach?