@Nuramon: What... is... this thing?!

Your whole body aches before your nervous system shuts down and you see black before your eyes roll to the back of your head and the last thing you hear is your body dropping like a bag of rocks on the creaky floorboards as the creature Ben held in such high regard, cackles like some twisted infant before you pass out.

@Davish: Enough laying down.

Struggling to get off the haversack, you nearly trip on it as Nuramon's voice calls out to arms from the room next door. Nirvana is already in your hands as you step out to the corridor and glance at a few refugees standing utterly petrified at the thresh hold of their rooms, candles in hand as you race towards the source of the scouts voice and stop.

It's a room, just like yours. Unlike yours, there is a billowing greenish blue cloud of roiling gas emanating from the door. It has taken most of the hallway and you don't need a keen eye to notice a few silhouettes prone on the ground as one of the children a few doors back hails your attention.

"Not safe, sir! Ben and your friend went inside Mama Gulvieg's room. Then we heard some fighting and then that gas came out. It knocked them out cold immediately. Be careful!""

You can't see Ben or Nuramon out here. The kid says they're inside. The silhouettes on the ground outside the room seem too small and thin to be the scout or the apprentice smith. Getting out of the haversack and room have left you winded..and then it is that you hear it from inside the room.

A cackling mixed with a wail, like that of some baby, albeit with a twisted touch to it. This is followed by the sound of scrapings on walls and then the cackling can be heard no more.

Round 2

@Nuramon: You may be knocked unconscious, but even so, you are laid smack in the middle of Gulvieg's gassy burst as you try and open your eyes amidst these noxious fumes, only to cough some blood and recede back into unconsciousness.

This gas is deadly. It acts fast. You can't move a muscle, but worse... you are having trouble breathing.

Spoiler: Viral Bloom, Part 2
(1d4)[1](1) Constitution Drain

Spoiler: Initiative
Mama Gulvieg