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Thread: Chronicles of A Twisted Ascension IC

  1. - Top - End - #400
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Default Re: Chronicles of A Twisted Ascension IC

    That was accurate! Every strike a hit! Eat this monster!

    But instead of suffering in pain or even striking back, it started to dance, too? Are you kidding me? And then Nuramon saw why. The additional openings through it's cuts let some gas flow even faster. Bad. Really bad.

    He tried to resist the poison - whatever it was - but he failed. A second later, he collapsed and everything turned dark. He failed...

    He wasn't dead, ok. Barly he could open his eyes and it was hard to breath. Everything hurts. Now it was up to Davish. Hopefully he heard him before and doesn't have a deep slumber.
    Last edited by Fliggl; 2020-03-26 at 06:59 AM.