Quote Originally Posted by RCgothic View Post
Laura raises an eyebrow at Einkil's adamancy that he will not be carried. She wonders briefly if mortal peril might sway him from his certainty. Maybe not, if he's as stubborn as Bhagazzin. Still, she chooses not to antagonize him by pressing the topic further.

"Alright. In four or five hours then," she replies, wrapping the blanket around herself and curling up on the sofa.
Einkil nods as Lauara says to wake her in four or five hours, a reasonable request he thinks as he lets the human warrior sleep on the couch. While the woman sleeps Einkil slowly makes a habit of patrolling the area's of the house with windows, making sure to start his checks every ten minutes or so just to be sure, while he allows his connection to the earth to stretch when he isn't walking around and is instead sitting by the fire polishing his hammer, armor and shield. When he is done with his own he looks at the barbarians gear, then back at her sleeping form before shrugging and sharpening the greataxe with a whetstone he carries on him, trying to clean the weapon and make it as sharp as he could saying the armor was to far gone for him to repair properly without a forge. After all he could hit out the dings in the armor, however the places where something pierced the armor he couldn't close with the small amount of heat coming off of the fireplace, and he dare not try to make it bigger as he was unsure of the building being able to take the heat.