@Moses: Whistling under the rain? Why not.

Anything to keep your mind off the fact that you may be walking into enemy turf. Had these fools stayed in place, this wouldn't be your task but such but such is life as you the rain intensifies. No point wasting your time here looking for a couple of lost pigeons, best head back and...

Something's not right.

Screams coming from a nearby building. Boarded up windows, but no signs... still. It wouldn't be the first time this district has messed up more than their fair share of things.

Willing and very much able to provide assistance, you head up the stairs and turn on the doorknob...

Only to find this one locked....and by the sounds of it, there's some fight inside.

@Davish: Big burly giant collapsed from the ceiling and blocked the escape...

Best not to rush into conclusions as the small group of escapees under your watch shriek in fright and the bald man focuses his sights entirely on you as his pupils give off a crimson glow.

It doesn't seem to have taken notice of the others- it is solely focused on you. And given that is the scenario, you back up and straighten your defenses, speaking out to the hulking figure as it cracks his neck and knuckles and takes massive heavy footsteps towards you while more fiery debris falls on the entrance.

He doesn't even addresses your words. This guy goes straight to the point, rearing his right arm as his crimson pupils fixate on yours and like a steam powered train, his fist connects with your face, causing every last bone in your body to crack in unison as your body fights the massive strength of this titan to send you flying away!

Spoiler: Awesome Blow
(1d20+19)[38] if hit, Davish takes (3d6+19)[31] damage and must make a DC = Damage dealt or fly back 10ft. and end prone* on the ground.


The character is on the ground. An attacker who is prone has a –4 penalty on melee attack rolls and cannot use a ranged weapon (except for a crossbow). A defender who is prone gains a +4 bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks, but takes a –4 penalty to AC against melee attacks.

Standing up is a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Regardless of whether you managed to avoid the worst, this thing doesn't even bother answering you- it simply cracks his knuckles and neck before his crimson eyes fix on you once more.

Spoiler: Initiative

