R4T25-14: Norton, Drea, Orik, and Opal all delay ....

R4T13: Toros tries to force up the portcullis, but nothing happens. It was only a few seconds of effort, but he feels that the "feel" of the portcullis' strength is enough for him to realize that applied muscle alone won't help. So, he picks up his scimitar. "Asher!" he calls out desparately. "Can you hear me?"

R4T7: A woman, terrible but beautiful - seemingly aasimar in heritage, but possessed of arms and claws that seem demonic, and with two wicked scars on her exposed midriff - moves into the hallway, bastard sword in right hand and eyes ablaze with anger. She concentrates briefly, touching an amulet around her neck while looking past the portcullises and pit towards the paladin with the scimitar. She casts a spell on herself.

Toros announces it, "It's divine favor. She is battle-ready."

R4T6.5: Following behind her is an ill-looking hound ... a yeth hound, like what you fought in the Temple of Lamashtu in the level above.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

Top of Round:
Nothing happens with the trap, beyond the glaives slashing about threatingly. The pit is still there.

Everyone is delaying except Toros, so I will give a day for someone to come out of delay if they wanted.

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
HEROES: Bless til R31T14 = +1 morale bonus on attack rolls & saves vs. fear.
Top of Round: Trap!!!
Valbard: 29. DELAYING!!!
Norton: 25. Loyal paladin's spear of light manifested. DELAYING!!!
Drea: 16. She will use decreee of mercy as a counter on an ally who needs defense. DELAYING!!!
Orik: 15. DELAYING!!!
Opal: 14. DELAYING!!!
Toros: 13.
Nualia: 7. Bull's strength til R51T7. Eagle's splendor til R52T7. Shield of faith til R53T7. Divine favor til R14T7. False life active.
Yeth Hound: 6.5. (48:48).
Keghart: 6. Mage armor for another 90 minutes. Shield til R32T6. DELAYING!!!
Jules: 4. DELAYING!!!