My Alexiad game is going pretty well, taking an interesting direction with my last couple of rulers. I've successfully mended the schism and restored the Roman Empire; I'm doing fine for territory, just frustrated by only being able to take a single duchy at a time. (And only fighting one war at once...stupid pragmatists on the council) I had a Satanist ruler, thought that was going to make for some interesting play; he didn't do much during his lifetime, though, and his hand-groomed Satanist heir died two months after succession.

What's currently keeping things interesting is diving into the classics as a Hermetic ruler and starting up Hellenism in secret. I had decent luck spreading it as that ruler, but the second Hellenistic ruler got branded as an apostate before I took control of him, so he wasn't able to do much. I'm currently on the third secretly Hellenistic ruler, working my way up the ranks so I can hopefully start converting my vassals in secret again.