"I wouldn't be worrying about me Mitsuhide...I'm not the one whos going to be losing tomorrow." The girl said lightly before retreating back into the apartment without sparing Kaori or her neighbor a glance. Not that it was anything different from the norm, neither Taka or Motoko socialized with their neighbors unless they absolutely had too or had something to ask about.

The night passed uneventfully for all involved, in their respective places. Mitsuhide had to indulge his parents when they decided to mother him upon seeing his injuries, getting his leg swaddled up with bandages and some foul medicine being poured down his throat. Morning seemed to come too swiftly for the swordsman but he couldn't quite ignore the deed he was committed to this day. A duel with Motoko with Taka watching on...would the Jounin be alright after the events of yesterday or might the duel take on a more frantic note? Not to mention his opponent Motoko, just how good was she really...and how hard was she going to fight back? These questions and more filled the genin's mind as he found the note attached to his mailbox.


Congratulations on passing the test that I put forth for you and your comrades. You've met my expectations and now officially part of Team 4. Despite this happy news, do not forgot the engagement that you have with my daughter this afternoon. Remember to be prompt and on your guard.



For Kaori it was more that nauseatingly clean smell of the hospital that kept him company through out the night instead of any real company. Nurses and doctors didn't quite count. But by the time it came to head out to the duel (if he decides to go) the doctor had cleared his bill of health but sternly reminded him that he shouldn't over extend himself today. And to report back to the hospital once the duel was over to finish his treatment.

Much like his team mate, Kaori found a note waiting for him at the front desk as he prepares to leave for Onu's farm...


You've made the cut. Welcome to Team 4. Be at the farm.

-Taka sensei
