The building is actually built for human-sized folk, and you see a friendly-looking elvish shopkeep behind a counter. There's various salves, ointments, and the occasional potion on display, along with woodcrafted tools. "Lelcila! How have you been, sweetie?"

"I've been... Decent, I guess, Mrs. Gembright," she says. "This is my, erm, friend? Captain Spatha."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Captain!" she says to you. "Are you here to chitchat, buy, or just visiting family?"

Lelcila chuckles a little. "Straight to the point, huh? Family-is she awake?"

"I think so-you two can go right on up," Mrs. Gembright responds.

You both head up some stairs in the back, quickly climbing to the third floor. It's a little more cramped for you up here, but manageable. You see a drowsy-looking gnomish woman, with a clear family resemblance to Lelcila, drinking some water in the hall. "Oh! Lelcila, I didn't expect to see you."

Lelcila looks pretty sheepish. "Hi, auntie. I, um..." she stammers out, not really prepared to explain the situation.