Having paused to check out what would hopefully not become a brawl five minutes into her time here, Alma smiled, impressed by the sang-froid of the young woman. Never underestimate a woman travelling alone and unarmed.

She turned back to her surely delicious stew, and her deliciously surly companion. Scooping up more of the former, she tilted her head to consider the latter.

"As you wish - I will keep our stories separate. What do I need? Information, mostly. Information that I'm hoping can be found in Vraath Keep.

"But, less esoterically, I suppose I need to know your name. I need the price you'd charge to take me to the Keep, and then the price you'd charge to walk through it with me. I've taken care of myself for never-you-mind-how-many years, but having a strong arm and a watchful eye at your back is, well. It's how you get to never-you-mind-how-many years, isn't it?"