Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
I remember my first time playing I missed the first weapon, managed to get one in the first shrine, only for it to break quickly and all the enemies I killed with it dropped bows or nothing. I fairly quickly decided 'this isn't the Zelda I know' and turned it off.

I've heard that somewhat stops once you get a certain ability that gives you a more reliable way to kill sans-weapons, but I never got that ability, I didn't have the weapons to survive the enemies the game kept throwing at me.

Oh, and I remember the controls feeling a little unusual even for a gamepad setup. I can't remember much now, but X(?) being jump threw me off, I'm so used to playing Devil May Cry.
My advice, keep an eye out for woodcutters axes stuck into logs. They are not scenery, they're one of the more durable weapons in the game, and useful for scenery manipulation even when they don't do enough damaged to be worth using.