Keshkaru begins entreating the viper, an odd display at best to the gathered circus folk. Still, the huge coiled creature watches her intently, and over a few moments begins to relax. The change is almost like an ice block melting as the tension flows out of its coils and its head lowers. It continues to stare with reptilian intensity- one Keshkaru knows by nature is no longer violent but remains disquieting to the others.

The druid notes an odd change in behavior, however. The snake's attitude has changed too much to be a simple consequence of her efforts. Not only has she appeased to its nature (it isn't actually hungry or threatened), but it's noteworthy to realize how far from its nature it was behaving. The thought occurs to her that- with enough effort- she could probably convince the snake to attack passers-by as a matter of course.

For the moment, however, the viper is appeased. No longer interested in the party, it slithers into a deeper portion of undergrowth- the better to avoid unwanted confrontation near the game trail the roustabouts were using to forage for firewood.

The game trail itself shows significant signs of recent disturbance. You know laborers have been using it, so anyone else might, also.