Round 4

Onwyn pulls himself up to midships and watches the party spread out over the wooden deck. Several spells are cast and the PCs get ready to fight. The Sotheby brothers drop a light into the hold and look inside to see a menagerie of exotic animals in the hold. Parrots, monkeys, strange animated plants, and more fill the hold. It is clear that these animals are part of the common black market trade in rare animals that is found throughout Sasserine.

Just as the two brothers are about to return their attention to the thugs on the main deck a voice is heard calling from below decks. "They's seen the animals, boss - want me to clear out the evidence?" "If they've seen down there, light it up, now!"

On deck no one exits the cabin, but a new voice speaks up, saying, "This is Soller Vark. You are trespassing on my ship! Get off before we kick you off!"

The map is updated. Begin round 4!