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Thread: Level 20 infinity dungeon

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    Troll in the Playground
    redfeline's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Las Vegas

    Default Re: Level 20 infinity dungeon

    ooc: sorry about the delay, work has been active.

    Rose steps into the first, now empty room. She isn't happy to be trapped in a hall of infinite fights, but when in rome. (1d20+2)[18]

    Spoiler: When her turn comes

    She uses a move action to approach the naga.
    She uses a bonus action to activate tunnel fighting and no longer needs to spend a reaction to make attacks of opportunity.
    She takes an attack action on the naga. Using reckless assault

    (1d20+8)[18] or (1d20+8)[18] damage is (2d8+7)[19] + (1d6)[1] necrotic
    (1d20+8)[24] or (1d20+8)[14] damage is (2d8+7)[17] + (1d6)[2] necrotic
    (1d20+8)[9] or (1d20+8)[28] damage is (2d8+7)[11] + (1d6)[4] necrotic

    Of note two things. 1: if the lower of the two rolls would also hit the fell handed feat the target is knocked prone. 2: crit range is 19-20 and a crit also does 17 extra damage from the Devastating Critical ability on the brute.

    Feel free to roll and AoO's using the math above.

    Spoiler: Condition

    wielding a magic axe and shield
    Hp: 286
    ac: 18
    Currently Affected by:
    Last edited by redfeline; 2020-05-18 at 11:03 PM.
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