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Thread: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    I don't think either of you are giving Kabuto or Kishimoto the credit they deserve.

    Of course, considering the double standard in the fandom where some people are allowed easy redemptions but others aren't, it's hardly a surprise.

    Does anyone have a problem with A? The Fourth Raikage? Does anyone have a problem with him being considered a good guy?
    I'm giving Kishimoto exactly the credit he deserves. Do you remember the thing where Kabuto got his glasses got knocked off and he got all clenched face and red, and how that never got paid off at all because Kabuto was ultimately just a mole/sleeper agent type of character who Kishimoto decided to be a good person to bring back.

    I don't have a double standard.

    Um... no? What has he done that is bad? He's a fun character who does a lot to help the alliance win without having his hand get forced, and actively does his best to ensure their victory. I genuinely don't recall what evil things he's done to be used as an example of "the fandom has a double standard on redemption arcs".

    The thing to keep in mind is that Naruto honestly has VERY FEW heel face turns of note. There is Gaara, who literally died for his sins and then spent the rest of his revived life actively making amends. Then there's... Kabuto, who was basically brainwashed into being good. Then there's Orochimaru who basically does nothing and gets away scot free and I think this is bad even if it is hilarious. Then Sasuke, who also does basically nothing good without being forced and is beaten to within an inch of his life and then proceeds to become the worst dad in the ninja world.

    the only other ones I can think of are Zabuza and Pain and both end in them immediately dying so I'm not sure that counts.
    Last edited by LaZodiac; 2020-05-21 at 03:08 PM.