Vaathi had spent some time calling on those traveling to help defend the pass, and managed to convince a few passing hunters that they'd be able to maintain their livelihoods if the host as defeated. (1d4+1)[2] hunters decide to stay and aid the defense efforts. A few of them travel with her in the area searching for useful materials, but only hear from another passerby about a strange hermit he'd living along the eastern foothills. He says the harmit had disappeared from view while walking away along a straight road! When Vaathi spends some time trying to find ld graves with bones still inside, she gets chased off by some workers upset about the recent grave-digging in the area. The hunters are at the tavern now, trying to steel their nerves before formally offering aid at the keep.

The man in the village square explains himself. "The Damapati herself believes that our warriors should remain here, and further worries some might take such an opportunity to desert." He pulls out a bit of coin. "I was hoping we could send some individuals not part of the official defense to do the job."