The man is ecstatic as the calls of support go up around him. "Wonderful, wonderful, the gods have truly answered by prayers. Please, please, let us prepare to have many more join up on a walls!" He's clearly trained to call out to large group before him. "Do any of you have connections in the region, perhaps in whitecliff? Or," he motions to the Goliath present "with the sheerclimbers ? Any aid, whether from the bluewoods or the halls of Buldihr is most welcome. Why, if you could get the orcs to join I wouldn't bat an eye!" He doesn't seem to take that last one seriously.

Quieter, he mentions to Neth, "we have some in back of the armory, but no one trained to use them. I'll have then ready by the time you can set out, if you're so eager to help."

Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
Spoiler: OOC
Nature roll to see if there's any creature that matches the description native to the area
Despite the mention of tails, Llane suspects this was a displacer beast.