What if there was a Fighter Subclass that is designed to use futuristic technology as opposed to the stuff standard D&D Uses so people can use it in future theme campaigns, or as a more combatative Anachronaut.

They would be able to Upgrade weapons, and wield laser weaponry that deals radiant damage like Litesabres and Phazers and stuff like that. If this doesn't fit then that's okay.

Also other special abilities. For example, Special tactics to gain advantage that were developed from the future, but you need to be smart. Also some time like abilities. Maybe minor Chronomancy like abilities.

The main points of this subclass would be to upgrade weapons, and also advanced tactics to deal more damage be more accurate or more. And Chronomancy. Basically a mix of Battle Master, Eldritch Knight and even Battle Smith or Artillerist for Artificer, and Chromancer from Wizard.

It would be neat if someone tried to make this for whatever edition this is for.