Their remaining time here was short. While Erik still resisted it, the force of the Witch's voice grew stronger. And that aside, he couldn't know how much longer she would tolerate their presence. Erik had the inkling that she couldn't harm them - that she was subject to some rule upheld by Hells-know-what. That didn't mean he wanted to test her limits.

His iron-faced companion also seemed ready to leave, though somewhat more eagerly. It briefly occurred to Erik that he'd yet to have a name to go with the mask.

He addressed the Witch once more. This time, though, he tried a different approach. If the Witch's hatred could manifest as a collapse, a degradation of stability, could he perhaps read her more closely through the stability in the room? A creature like this may well speak in more than just words. Admittedly, Erik felt somewhat silly for trying, but his curiosity won out. He did his best to feel the room, to look for currents and fluctuations as she spoke.

"And this 'Fate'? You speak of it more as an object, or place. What is it?"

He mentally prepared himself for the next whisper, and dug deep to feel as much as he listened.

Spoiler: OoC
Survival Check to try Erik's wacky idea:
Survival: (1d20+10)[23]