R6T17: Flair held back; it would be a few seconds until the energy he expended with his first hit returned, so he waited until it did and an opportunity arose.

R6T15: BJ breaks free with some effort, and then slogs forward to confront the vine, but in doing so the tendril lashes out at him, striking his lower left arm for 13, but that turns out to be too small a place to grab abhold of the friar again with too thick a vine. It is all Brother Jaume can do just to get to the creature, and is mighty bloody in doing so.
Spoiler: OOC
Emphasis and precedence was given to breaking out and closing (and hitting if possible). The "then" statement was if he didn't free himself.

It took a move action to free himself, and since the area is difficult terrain, there is no "5-foot-step." You moved 5', but it cost 10' of movement and opened up an AOO.

R6T11: With someone so close to hurting it and that prey having been tasty previously, the assassin vine attacks Brother Jaume again, slamming a tendril against his chest for 10, knocking Brother Jaume limp. The tendril holds the body of Brother Jaume, and though greasy, it manages to keep ahold of its unmoving and helpless prey.

The grasses and strands of the tidal pool continue to hold Maeni, but catch nobody else (almost Dorn, though).

R6T6: Jens, Brother Jaume is limp in the grasp of the assassin vine. You have no idea of his status beyond that. What do you do?

Dorn on deck, Maeni in the hole ...