When Arimart mentions and indicates his 'friend', Clervec looks beyond him, gaze straying to Kleris. He does not interrupt the prosecutor, but makes a soft clicking noise with his tongue when it's clear that everyone is waiting on him to speak. "A hideout does not interest me. This is not our only place of business in the city, and I've found that being mobile offers more security than any place with a name. Besides, from what we've heard of the Speckled Hen and your choice of words, you couldn't offer any concrete assurances as to our safety there."

The supposed leader of the Midnighters takes a step closer, right up to the edge of the barrier. "However, being insulated from the law... now that is something worth our while. If you can provide us with contacts or an untouchable way into the city, that might just be worth the price of seeing your man. Assuming of course, that I believe you will keep your word."

Walking up at his side, the half-elf with the eyepatch who Clervec names Fallerian calls out to Gryphon, Kleris, or Raz. "Well then? Your man Arimart here, would you trust him to honour an oath if you were us?"