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Thread: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    The race goes even wilder as the chariot now awkwardly ascend the stairs as fast as they can, giving a bumpy time to the drivers. Some fall off their chariots, forcing their partner to rein in the camel to allow them to catch up. Others slow down to avoid just such a fate. A careful handling of the camels is necessary to get the right balance of speed and steadiness. Out of the corner of his eye, Azkin notices Manetho, the camel master, drinking a potion before he encourages his camels further. The animals seem to understand his commands right on cue, greatly facilitating the ascent. Others begin to drink potions as well, to what end is anybody's guess. For her part, Lady Ahmose, a mischievous smile on her lips, casts the same spell three times in quick succession. The floors of the Green and White, Blue and Green, as well as the Green and Yellow chariots are suddenly covered in a strange slippery material! The Lady Ahmose yells mockingly at Nehesy as her chariot overtakes his: "How do you like the race so far, my dear?" But the Blue and Green is the one that comes the worse off this stunt as young Djaty loses his grip, falls off the chariot and lands on the ground, hard. Blood is seen covering his elbow as he climbs back, wincing, but determined to continue. Meanwhile, Turi is also hampered by the greasy effect, but he manages to hold on. On his side, Azkin also resorts to magic, but the blue and green's camels eventually get used to being showered with water and its seems to bother them not so much anymore.

    "Ah! An interesting way to reuse an obstacle!"
    This is the announcer again, commenting on Lehasti's creative use of fallen laundry to jam the blue and green chariot's left wheel. This forces Djaty to stop briefly to allow Harwa to take care of the problem. The pair are promptly back in action... But this is enough for Green and White to take the lead, to cheers from the fans! Other racers simply stick to earlier tactics, Sigrun bellowing encouragements to Gretta, Lord Nehesy kicking his way through the opposition. It is Natala, however, who comes up with the overall best solution to the challenge. Her chariot now floats above the ground, greatly alleviating her camels' load and making her own ride comfortably smooth as she races past the competition. "Now, that's what I call timely use of one's magic talent!" The crowd applauds and cheers along with the appreciative comment from the barker.

    Vershab, on a hunch, decides to leave the main racing group and look for a good place to ambush the leaders. While everyone is more or less nimbly making their way up the steps, he rises up to get around the hill and look on the other side. This is the point when his keen eye notices something odd. There are people on the roofs, near the hill's peak where the race will soon pass through. Four of them, two on each side of the street, in identical tan robes, they carry... what? The young scholar stops in mid-air to focus better. No mistake - those are crossbows.

    Spoiler: Stage 6 : Steep Steps

    Blue & Green (Harwa and Djaty) Don't get bounced out! DC20 (1d20+9)[12] including Cat's Grace, add +2 for assist, but -5 from the Grease, this is a failure by 10 or more, and Djaty falls and gets hurt. -10ft penalty from all the water, but this produces diminishing returns now. Another -20ft penalty from Lehasti's entanglement, but +10 from the accelerated camel (only one camel is fast now). Position change -55ft.
    #1 assists on the Acrobatics roll (1d20+7)[23].
    #2 untangles the wheel
    #3 gets back on board.

    Green & White (Lehasti and Turi) - Don't get bounced out! DC20, Turi would succeed with a 27 on Acrobatics, reduced to 22 from the Grease. Position change +15ft.

    Red & Yellow (Azkin and Sabef) Don't get bounced out! DC20 (1d20+14)[20] Position change +10ft.

    Gold & Red (Kapes and Manetho) - Prod the camel gently DC20 (1d20+19)[21] including +4 bonus from Speak with Animals. Position change +10ft.

    Orange & Silver (Ahmose and Ebana) Don't get bounced out! DC20 (1d20+11)[19]. Position change -10ft
    Ahmose attempts to cast 3 Grease times , if successful this inflicts -5 on the Acrobatics check
    #1 Concentration DC16 (1d20+13)[27] casting on Blue & Green
    #2 Concentration DC16 (1d20+13)[19] casting on Green and White
    #3 Concentration DC16 (1d20+13)[29] casting on Green and Yellow

    Green & Yellow (Nehesy and Benerib) - Don't get bounced out! DC20 (1d20+10)[22], reduced to 17 from the Grease. Position change -15ft.
    #1 Attempt to bounce green and white: Opposed Handle Animal (1d20+7)[16] vs (1d20+3)[14] and bull rush DC20 (1d20+12)[18] fail.
    #2 Attempt to bounce orange and silver: Opposed Handle Animal (1d20+7)[18] vs (1d20)[17] and bull rush DC20 (1d20+12)[13] fail.
    #3 Attempt to bounce blue and green: Opposed Handle Animal (1d20+7)[16] vs (1d20+3)[13] and bull rush DC20 (1d20+12)[19] fail.

    Black & Gold (Sigrun Firehair and Gretta Isilson) - Don't get bounced out! DC20 (1d20+6)[12] +2 for assist and +4 Inspire Competence, still fails. Position change -15ft.
    #1 assists on the Acrobatics roll (1d20+6)[19].
    #2 Concentration DC16 (1d20+11)[31] to cast Moment of Greatness
    #3 inspires competence (+4 or +2 depending on the success of Moment of Greatness)

    Blue & White (Natala and Vershab) - Don't get bounced out! DC20, Natala rolled a 9, but with Levitate the DC is down to 0! Plus, this greatly helps the camels on the way up, for a +60ft bonus. Position change: +90.

    Race leaderboard :
    Race leaderboard after stage 6:

    265: Green & White (Lehasti and Turi). Total damage to chariot: 2.

    225: Blue & Green (Harwa and Djaty). Total damage to chariot: 14. Djaty took 15 damage.

    160: Red & Yellow (Azkin and Sabef)

    135: Orange & Silver (Ahmose and Ebana)

    130: Gold & Red (Kapes and Manetho)

    130: Blue & White (Natala and Vershab)

    105: Black & Gold (Sigrun Firehair and Gretta Isylson)

    95: Green & Yellow (Nehesy and Benerib)

    Eliminated: Blue & Purple (Raerka and Iunre)

    Eliminated: Amber & Dark Red (Setut and Teos)

    Spoiler: Stage 7 : ?
    The description of the next stage will depend on Vershab's actions now. He gets 3 rounds to act before the chariots come up the top of the hill. His distance to the 4 armed men is currently: 150/150/200/200 ft, and he's level with them.
    Last edited by Gwynfrid; 2020-06-14 at 09:16 PM.