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Thread: Scourge’s Landing: Niobe

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Default Re: Scourge’s Landing: Niobe

    Spoiler: OOC

    First of all, thanks again for the opportunity to play a solo adventure, and your efforts. I've subbed to the thread, but please, feel free to ping me if you believe I should have posted by then.

    I'm situated in Berlin, Germany, so I'm in UCT+2 currently, so if I interpret your profile correctly, I'm about six hours ahead. As a fair warning, I'm also not a native speaker, so it might happen that I ask about stuff, and should you ever feel what I write doesn't make sense, please just ask, it might be something lost in translation.

    That all being said, I also think that most of my character sheet is completed, so I'll get this started here now, and complete the rest "on the way", if that's fine.

    I'll use purple for speech ("Hello World"), putting telepathic speech in such brackets: <> (<Hello World>).

    When the ship lands, Niobe stuffs carefully closes the notebook she had used as a journal over the last weeks, stows away her stuff, and gets ready to disembark. So, let's see where fate brought me now... She thinks by herself, as she gives a nod here, and a friendly "thank you" there to the deck hands. While she had not made friends with any of them during the passage, she also had no reason to complain about their behavior, and after all, her life had depended on their qualification and goodwill on the sea. She shoulders her light pack that more fits a scholar than an adventurer, and heads for dock 5. She waits just a few steps from the captain and first mate, as she wants to thank them for the safe passage, once the three elf's discussion would be over.
    Last edited by Niobaran; 2020-06-15 at 04:33 AM.