Lehasti glowers, though from the exterior it's impossible to tell whether from the obstructive presence of the ash storm on her forward motion or the obvious evil intent of the crossbowmen. Squinting through the flecks of dust and soot that suddenly saturate the air, she nods (probably unseen) at Turi's decisive move, and grasps the reins while clicking her tongue reassuringly at the camels.

Spoiler: Actions
Handle Animal checks to reassure and spur the camels forward? Not sure how best to adjudicate this.

Camels slowing as their chariot approaches the swirling ash, Azkin clambers down and circles to lead the camels as best he can. "C'mon, it can't last forever..." he grumbles to himself, squinting into the chaos.

Spoiler: Actions
Perception: (1d20+8)[24]