Human Freebooter Ranger
AC: 20 HP: 7/12
touch: 12, ff: 18, CMD: 16

The combat flew by Marius' head - as did Laurelata's arrow - who tries to look nonplussed but he is actually pretty impressed. Again, these are just insects that are a bit smarter and whole lot bigger. I assume they would eat their own. If the seagulls or any land based predators from the jungles don't come earlier. I assume a panther would not eat this, but I don't want to know what does come instead.

Marius rubs his chin. Smaller insects have broods of thousands of individuals, I assume bigger insects do have fewer offspring. but these are warped things, a wizard's play things. Which brings me to my main point. I think we are being watched, by a wizard no less, maybe an artificer. The flying construct is quite unusual for such a savage island. We should search for the owner of it rather than holing us up in here, slaying the occasional critter. We might have come as settlers of the second wave, but we should really just bring the others back before doing anything.

One could tell Marius was quite frustrated at the others not listening to his advice. He looks at Jessica with helpless eyes. What does Lady Luck suggest?