You start exploring the tunnels belonging to the two ankheg nymphs you have killed. It does require some tooling too see anywhere much beyond the entrance, but the shovels are abundant in the settlement so you soon find a few and begin to dig. Two facts soon become apparent:
1. The actual tunnels are quite short and run between the breathing holes and the lairs
2. Everything else seems to have collapsed and not dug to last in the first place

The short lengths of the tunnels go roughly northwards (or southwards, depending on how you are counting). The collapsed part, except for what can be attributed to movements in your presence, seem to go in line with them. To the north, where the tunnels seem to come from, there are many familiar mole-holes, suitable for moles either the size of badgers or that of full-grown pigs. There does not seem middle size among these. The smaller holes are all relatively fresh. The larger ones are of varying age, but not very old either.

Want to dig into the mole-holes to the north?