I just need to rant...

I understand the “spoons” concept. But there comes a point where you just have to suck it up and keep going. The buck has to stop with someone, and if you are that someone, it doesn’t matter if you are tired, or stressed. You have to keep going because whatever it is has to be done. Out of spoons? Grab a fork.

I’m exhausted and stressed. But you know what - I’m still plugging along and doing what has to be done. Whining isn’t going to get anything accomplished. Taking a break just means everything is put on hold to be done later, along with all the new things that came up while I was ignoring the old.

I’m not superhuman. I am just human. I push though, crying but still going. And it makes me so mad that others can dump everything in me, knowing I’ll take care of it because I have to. Because I don’t subscribe to the “out of spoons” excuse. Because I take responsibility for my responsibilities.