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Thread: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    "As we near the end of the race, tempers flare among our valiant competitors! Some of them might need a reminder that any illegal action, such as deliberate damaging of other people's property, will be punished, even if it doesn't disqualify them from the competition! But now... We reach one of the most exciting parts of the race, the Descent into Madness! Remember this is the perilous slope where Mistress Acrimon's hopes of victory ended in a spectacular crash three years ago! Some will take it with caution, some will risk it all on this leg of the race! Annnd... I can see the daring blue and green colors, going all-in!"

    Indeed, the youngsters Harwa and Djaty, having fallen behind, now risk everything to try and catch up. They go about halfway down the slope at a sedate pace, taking comfort along the way from some sort of drink. Suddenly, they turn their chariot to face the abrupt descent straight on and launch their camels to a full run, the chariot bouncing behind them in a terrible fracas! Most competitors choose to go straight as well, but step down from the chariot and do their best to slow the perilous move as much as they can. Turi and Sabef both manage this rather well somehow, and Sigurn and her burly, rage-fueled companion do very well, but Natala bloodies her nose in a fall, and has to run after the chariot to get it steady and on course again, losing some ground in the process. Ahmose casts a spell on her companion, causing her to grow to a super-human size and greatly easing the task, but still, towards the end of the descent, Ebana slips and fall and the chariot ends up losing time.

    Masters Kapes and Manetho , the most highly regarded camels drivers in the race, go for a cautious route, but they're disturbed by the dust raised by the most reckless competitors, and they end up dead last. The noblemen with the green and yellow colors, coming in late, see what Harwa and Djaty are doing, decide to copy their dangerous tactic...

    Spoiler: Stage 8 : Breakneck slope

    Blue & Green (Harwa and Djaty) - Desperate plunge, (5d6)[15] damage to drivers and chariot, Refl DC15 (becomes DC17 due to Vershab's Grease) for half damage (1d20+3)[10] (double damage if failed by 10 or more). Position change +50ft... if the chariot survives.

    Green & White (Lehasti and Turi) - Human brake, Turi is successful. Position change +10ft

    Red & Yellow (Azkin and Sabef) - Human brake DC15 (1d20+2)[17] including Touch of Good, if failed (3d6)[12] damage to drivers and chariot. Position change +15ft

    Gold & Red (Kapes and Manetho) - Slow and careful DC25 (1d20+19)[20] with -20ft penalty. Position change -40ft

    Orange & Silver (Ahmose and Ebana) - Human brake DC15 (only DC10 if Enlarge is successful) (1d20+3)[9], if failed (3d6)[9] damage to drivers and chariot. Position change -10ft
    Ahmose attempts to cast Enlarge on Ebana up to 3 times
    #1 Concentration DC16 (1d20+13)[24]
    #2 Concentration DC16 (1d20+13)[19]
    #3 Concentration DC16 (1d20+13)[21]

    Green & Yellow (Nehesy and Benerib) - Desperate plunge, (5d6)[22] damage to drivers and chariot, Refl DC15 for half damage (1d20+6)[14] (double damage if failed by 10 or more). Position change +50ft... if the chariot survives.

    Black & Gold (Sigrun Firehair and Gretta Isilson) - Human brake DC15 (only DC10 if Enlarge is successful) (1d20+6)[25] (+2 if assist successful), if failed (3d6)[10] damage to drivers and chariot. Position change 40ft
    Sigrun tries to assist DC10 (1d20+2)[22]

    Blue & White (Natala and Vershab) - Human brake, Natala fails with a 9. (3d6)[10] damage. Position change: -20.

    (Note the chariots have hardness 5).

    Race leaderboard after stage 8:

    295: Green & White (Lehasti and Turi). Total damage to chariot: 2.

    245: Blue & Green (Harwa and Djaty). Total damage to chariot: 24. Djaty took 30 damage. Harwa took 15 damage.

    205: Red & Yellow (Azkin and Sabef)

    175: Orange & Silver (Ahmose and Ebana) Total damage to chariot: 4. Ahmose and Ebana took 9 damage each.

    175: Black & Gold (Sigrun Firehair and Gretta Isylson)

    155: Green & Yellow (Nehesy and Benerib) Total damage to chariot: 17. Nehesy and Benerib took 22 damage each.

    90: Blue & White (Natala and Vershab). Total damage to chariot: 5. Natala took 10 damage.

    40: Gold & Red (Kapes and Manetho). Damage to one camel: 7 remaining after healing.

    Eliminated: Blue & Purple (Raerka and Iunre)

    Eliminated: Amber & Dark Red (Setut and Teos)

    Once they make it to the bottom, Lehasti casts a glance behind her, and notes with satisfaction that she's still well ahead... But then, a great cry from the applauding crowd warns her that something is amiss. The ruckus of a pair camels at full gallop comes from a side street, and suddenly, the amber and dark red chariot emerges, driven at full speed and clearly aiming for a deliberate collision!

    Spoiler: Stage 9 : Skullduggery!

    This stage isn't going to change the chariot's positions for anyone except Green and White, unless the PCs' actions take more than 3 rounds.

    Options to avoid a collision (Lehasti and Turi only; failure will cause 5d6 damage to the chariot, 2d6 to both camels, and loss of 2d6 x5ft in position):
    #1 Guess the enemy move: Sense motive DC15
    #2 Guide the camels to an escape route: Handle animal DC25
    #3 Leave it to the camels' instinct: Camel's Refl DC15
    #4 Any other ideas?

    The above is for Lehasti and Turi. Others may also decide to do something to help. If they do nothing, their position in the race won't be affected.
    Last edited by Gwynfrid; 2020-07-25 at 05:22 PM.