"I am going to try to blind the renegade camels and chariot drivers - try to steer clear of the dust!" directs Vershab as he flies in close enough to spread his frequently used spell in the path of the oncoming opponents. Expecting to be suddenly visible, he also sends a message to the race officials, directing their attention to the rogue chariot. "Good officials, please direct your attention to the chariot charging our current leading chariot - their actions appear quite hostile. If it please you, I will try to disable them with a blinding spell, but would appreciate appropriate aid - or even just lenience - towards the drivers still attempting the race in good faith..."

Spoiler: Mechanics
One action to move to a good position, a second to cast Glitterdust, DC 17 Will save or blinded, and a third to attempt a rushed Diplomacy check via the Message spell to the race officials: Diplomacy (1d20-2)[13] (penalty from my "Socially Crippled" Drawback, but no penalty yet applied for rushing the check).