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Thread: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Still reeling from the close call on the precipitous slope behind them, Lehasti hesitates at the sudden reappearance of the enemy chariot. Following Turi's instinctive and aggressive lead, she tugs at the reins, hoping to give him room to do... whatever it is that he has apparently planned.

    Turning to face the rule-breaking enemy chariot, she bellows over the tumult of the chariots and crowd, "Fools! Think ye an emissary of the Dawnflower easy prey for your taking? Come, and receive what 'spoil' waits for thee!!" She levels an imperious gaze toward the oncoming foes, beckoning them mockingly toward her with her gauntleted fist!

    Spoiler: Actions
    Lehasti is not trying to steer the camels toward escape, just following Turi's lead. If her Handling can be considered an "Aid Another" attempt on Turi's maneuver(s), then please consider the following Handle Animal checks directed toward that purpose:
    Handle Animal: (1d20+13)[24]
    Handle Animal: (1d20+13)[25]

    With however many actions that Lehasti has, she will attempt to Intimidate the foes (and/or their steeds) with her imposing presence and implied threats:
    Intimidate: [rol]1d20+9[/roll] 23, rolled OOC due to botched tags
    Intimidate: [rol]1d20+9[/roll] 19, rolled OOC due to botched tags

    Spoiler: Stats
    Lehasti Gesmeha
    F LG Human Paladin, Level 7, Init 1, HP 85/85, Speed 30
    AC 20, Touch 15, Flat-footed 15, CMD 27, Fort 14, Ref 9, Will 10, CMB +14, Base Attack Bonus 7
    +1/Flaming/Flaming Burst, Continual Flame Flaming Puzzle Falchion +1 +14 (2d4+7, 18-20, x2)
    Flail, Heavy +11 (1d10+6, 19-20, x2)
    Spiked Gauntlet +11 (1d4+4, )
    Breastplate +1 (+4 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Deflect)
    Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 16
    Condition Mage Armor: +4AC, some hours remaining.
    Heroism: +2 (Morale) to Saves, Attacks, skills
    ~70 minutes remaining?
    Last edited by JWallyR; 2020-07-28 at 09:42 PM.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms