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Thread: OOTS #1208 - The Discussion Thread

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1208 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Indeed, the Southern continent also contain the Realm of the Dragon, the Ghostlands, the Raja Kingdom, and the Peripheral Frontier. None of them seemed terribly invested in helping the Azurites.
    That was when the city was inhabited by an epic-level Lich Sorcerer and a (at the very least) near-Epic level High Priest of the Dark One, as well as an undead legion under the command of a powerful Mystic Theruge.

    Two are far, far away from Gobbotopia right now, and the third is dead. Good odds their most powerful individual member right now is Jirix, who was one-shotted by a nearly naked Paladin wielding an improvised weapon.

    Like, the comic you linked to specifically says that they were afraid of crossing the Lich, not a pretty large army of goblins.

    And that's likely also only the coastal nations, the ones that the boat-bound Azurites could reach.

    If Redcloak wants this nation of his to last a decent amount of time, he'll need to make concessions.
    Last edited by Wraithfighter; 2020-07-28 at 10:50 PM.