Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
Let's assume that two thirds of the goblin army was destroyed taking Azure City. That is likely massively overestimating enemy casualties, so the deck is stacked against them in this scenario.

They would then have the full strength of Azure City before the battle, in addition to all the defenses AC had (minus the paladins). Not an easy nut to crack at the best of times. And to think that the neighbors would retake it for the Azurites, gaining no benefit themselves, while the Azurites are on the other side of the globe?

I'm not exactly going to hold my breath until that happens, it's what I'm saying here.
When last seen, large sections of the walls were piles of rubble. That's a weakness AC didn't have. The bastion has also been blown to bits (literally so), most of the buildings are still showing signs of damage and we aren't shown any of the siege engines that should be there (though that might be an issue of scale). Oh, and we have never been shown any defenses on the seaward side, which is where the Azurite Remnant would be attacking from.

On the plus side for the goblinoids, they breed fast, so there's a whole new crop of young adults to draft into the army by now.