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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    I'm no outdoorsman either, but I'm pretty sure tracking in a downpour is a PITA. That we should leave tracks in soft, muddy ground after a downpour seems pretty believable to me as well. We might have tried something to cover our tracks, but honestly I think it was wiser to try and make for Stralwald as fast as possible.

    I'm more worried what it says about the situation back at Colten's camp that we're being chased down. Are they just being paranoid or are they onto Berry?

    Edit: And now that I've read the IC post from dojango again, it's possible that the riders aren't after us but are just coming to scout the village again. Unlikely, but possible.

    Questions for you both before deciding to what to post IC.

    1. Can we tell how far away the horsemen are and whether they're coming at a walk, a trot or a gallop?

    2. Can we tell how many they are?

    3. Since we're at the edge of one of the paddies, are we in open terrain or just coming out of the woods? I.e. what's the terrain like for hiding?

    4. Suppose we were to set up an ambush. Severin has 10 yards of rope - have we been walking along a trail and is the terrain suitable for tying the rope across the trail to trip a horse?

    5. Gabriele has two animal traps in her kit. I assume these are what are called "gin traps" in the core rules and the Old World Armoury. There are rules for setting the traps to injure humans or animals in the Old World Armoury. If Gabriele has these traps with her, is there time to lay out the traps and conceal them before the pursuit is on us?
    Last edited by rax; 2020-08-19 at 03:24 AM.