Quote Originally Posted by AdmiralCheez View Post
"With liberty, and Au Jus for all."
I almost spat out my drink. XD

GM: (misreading) "Today's high is a balmy 231 kelvin."
Icebreaker: "Did... did you just say 231 kelvin?"
Nebula: "I'm crying."

Nebula: "I'm just gonna be eternally on fire, all day it seems. ...this is fine."

Icebreaker: "I thought you were Smirkfluff's daughter?"
Nebula: "Uh... kinda, but not really..."
Icebreaker: "I mean not biologically."
Smirkfluff: (relieved) "Oh thank gods!"

Nebula: "Can I roll Intimidate to make the dice nice to me?"

Nebula: "Make the password Swordfish. Unless that's already taken, then make it Swordfish1."
Smirkfluff: "That's evil incarnate. Calm down, Satan."

Icebreaker: "I have no problems doing a posthumous mission."
GM: "Those are the best. There's no way you can let your Johnson down... well, they can't complain about getting let down."
Nebula: "Challenge accepted."
Smirkfluff: "Their expectations are about as low as they're gonna get."
Icebreaker: "About six feet under."

Icebreaker: "Friends I have great news. Our house comes with a Hatsune Miku."

GM: "The address is off State Road 9. It appears to be a cow farm."
Smirkfluff: "Oh gods..."
Oze: Huh."
Nivix: "I gotta do it. So this farm is dealing with a lot of bull****?"
Smirkfluff: "And there it is."

Lethe: "At least it's not a roomba with a flamethrower. For getting at those really really tough spots."

Smirkfluff: "I'm Smirkfluff, and welcome to Jackass."
Nearby Donkey: "Hey!"

Icebreaker: "Half a tank? Wow, this is a generous U-Haul place. We got four tires? Fancy!"

Smirkfluff: "When did I become the party tent?"

Smirkfluff: "What would happen if you try to enter Disney with just... a door?"
Icebreaker: "They give you a door charge."
Everyone: *groans*

Icebreaker: "Let me try the password. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5."
GM: *rolls a luck check. Nat 20*
GM: "Icebreaker..."
Icebreaker: "Don't tell me..."

Icebreaker: "Might be easier to edit my eyeball."

Oze: "Oze wants to steal this lab. Not just parts, the whole thing."

Icebreaker: "Very important question we didn't think of until now. Are there vents?"
GM: "Like air vents?"
Nebula: "Ssss, nnnggg!"
GM: "There is an HVAC system, yes."
Nebula: "Ngguh, no!"
Smirkfluff: "How big is it?"
GM: "It's very small. You're not gonna get more than like, a cat through that."
Nebula: "Okay so no..."
Icebreaker: "It's not going to be an alien from Alien. It'll be a thing from The Thing."
Nebula: "It's not a xenomorph, so it's fine!"

Smirkfluff: "Not that I don't trust weird pony voodoo, but... I don't trust weird pony voodoo."

Icebreaker: "I know what you're thinking, those brand name blood prices are too high."

Smirkfluff: "I'm shooting the zombie because it needs to stop having opinions."

Icebreaker: "And the body hasn't moved, right?"
GM: "Right, none of the bodies have moved."
Smirkfluff "I like how this is a thing we have to ask now."
Icebreaker: "I was only talking about the one in the truck, but..."