As Avakuss warns Rule of Three that the party is coming in hot, Adamant concentrates on magic, causing the top of a portion of the tunnel between the gate and the cave to peel off and fall. The collapse blocks the lower part of the tunnel, impeding but not necessarily preventing any pursuit by the monster. However, it's a double-edged sword, because the wind blows many chunks of rock and clay towards the party. No doubt the wind will eventually clear the blockage entirely.

OOC: Take 2d8 damage from flying rocks; Reflex half DC 20; DR applies.

vs Adamant (2d8)[12], vs Avakuss (2d8)[7], vs Dannos (2d8)[11], vs Joel (2d8)[9]

Joel's Reflex save (1d20+11)[15]

Dannos to act (must attack Avakuss)