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Thread: El Goonish ShiVe: Look! Squirrel!

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: El Goonish ShiVe: Look! Squirrel!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    In the card game tournament arc it was commented that Tedd might actually need glasses now becuase he had to squint to see things far away. At first, Tedd denied it, but...

    And in the last couple of years, Tedd has been drawn on multiple occasions as wearing ordinary, non-technological glasses.

    So, basically, Tedd, like many people, started out with perfect vision and then developed myopia later in life.

    Or maybe Tedd had just never been to the optometrist after te first diagnosis of 20/20 vision and his vision had been slowly deteriorating ever since: My vision got bad enough that I needed glasses between my first and second optometrists appointment, but I lost my first pair of glasses and never found them again it wasn't until middle school like, at least six years later that my vision was bad enough that I needed needed glasses.
    Tedd's new non-magical glasses were shown in this arc, immediately prior to the first use of the wand by Diane (changing Ashley's hair color). Everyone made a bigger fuss about the glasses than the wand and Diane thought they were trolling her.

    Here's the first page of that.
    Last edited by Qwertystop; 2020-08-31 at 10:57 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    ...though Talla does her best to sound objective and impartial, it doesn't cover stuff like "ask a 9-year-old to tank for the party."
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