Kellon tugs the lid of the coffin aside, and more dirt unsettled by the motion sifts down, into the empty container. No body. Then Kellon notices shapes writhing up out of the dirt, many-legged and fanged. Their tiny eyes glowing with a haunting blue light, the tide of centipedes crawls forwards eerily, silent and swaying.

Anton responds quickly, drawing his and and pointing it at the swarm. "Suffosio!" he proclaims, his spell causing some writhing and discomfort among the swarm.

At the same time, Gweyir's ears perk up. "Something slithering... look out behind!" She spins around to face the small mess area, where a creature with scales that glimmer and shift in color with the stone beneath slithers towards her. "It's a Grick!"

"Ignitum," Her blade in hand, she faces the creature and conjures a bonfire between it and herself, hoping to give it pause.

Spoiler: Initiative
Gweyir - 17
Anton - 16
Kellon - 15
Spider - 10
Grick - 10
Centipede Swarm - 2

Spoiler: Combat Log
Gweyir casts Create Bonfire.
Anton casts 'Suffosio' on Centipede Swarm, dealing 3 necrotic damage.

It is Kellon's turn.

Spoiler: Kellon Arcana
Kellon is unfamiliar with Gricks.