Gripping the sides of the slab, Kellon begins to lift it back into place. But in his haste, it slips through his claws with a clattering sound and nearly lands upon his foot, making a loud bang as it impacts the stone floor. The swarm soon overtakes him, crawling up his legs and into crevices they ought not, but he is able to sweep and shake them off before they can complete their assault.

Whipping his wand around, Anton focuses on the part of the swarm still crawling on the floor, as he backs away. With another incantation, his spell causes the swarm to writhe and fall as they try to get a hold on Kellon's feet.

Spider crawls up the wall and onto the ceiling, hanging above the corridor and preparing for the Grick's approach. The serpentine creature hesitates only momentarily before slithering through the fire to grab at its prey. Before it can attack, Spider twists with surprising flexibility, launching webs that cover the monster. It squeals as both it and the webs begin to burn, and lashes out at Gweyir with a tentacle. She raises her blade and blocks, holding her ground.

Bringing the sword up, she drives it down. The blade catches on its hard beak, bouncing off.

Spoiler: Combat Log
Kellon attempts to seal the crypt, but loses his grip.
Spider moves into the ceiling and readies an action to shot web.

Grick moves into the fire and is hit by Spider's readied Web, becoming Restrained. It takes 2 fire damage, and the web takes 8 fire damage.
Grick attempts to lash Gweyir, but misses.

Centipede Swarm attacks Kellon, but misses.

Gweyir attacks Grick, but misses.
Anton casts 'Suffosio' on Centipede Swarm, dealing 3 necrotic damage.

It is now Kellon's turn.