When the shrieking starts, Magiz tucks into a combat crouch, his axe swirling up into diagonal ready position.

Stepping carefully over the rubble to protect his flank with one of the low walls, Magiz charged up his glaive and hacked at the creature that had emerged from the rubble.

Spoiler: OOC
Knowledge Check to figure out what these things are: (1d20)[8], +2 if Religion or The Planes is the relevant cheques, +4 if it's Dungeoneering, +6 if Arcana, Local or Religion. Also applies to creating Knowledge Devitoin so far.

Move action to step 5' east.
Standard action to channel Shocking Grasp through her glaive and into the SW opponent.
Attack: (1d20+12)[22]
Slashing damage: (1d10+10)[18]
Acid Damage: (1d6)[5]
Electricity Damage: (5d6)[18]