Anna sates herself. Though she was admittedly not terribly hungry, the feed had been almost too easy. The man likely never even fully woke up before he was swallowed up by The Kiss, and she was gone and back to the group in likely less than a minute.

Unfortunately for Karl, his hunt is not nearly so swift. (OOC: Assuming he has Gabe and maybe Anna follow him, so that the Fledgeling can watch/learn). After over a half hour of prowling the shadows, Karl is able to fall upon a uniformed police officer. At first it appears that the young man with the receding red hairline and the 15 pounds extra is just standing up against a wall. Karl is actually about to pass pass the man by, when he hears a loud snore, and realizes that the officer is asleep on his feet, standing at the lip of an ally. The vampire is able to catch his prey completely unaware.

(OOC: Prey randomly generated using the V5 50 prey chart. Karl has 7/10 blood points. I take it he is taking his fill as the officer can likely soak it?)