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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Nov 2005

    Default Re: Simple RAW for 5e V: The Disadvantage Strikes Back

    Quote Originally Posted by CheddarChampion View Post
    Q158The spell Web restrains a creature but that doesn't stop them from being moved, right?

    Does this mean that a creature could be grappled and dragged out of the area? Does this mean Web could not catch a creature midair or even slow their fall?
    A158 The text of web clearly states that creatures are only restrained as long as they are in the spell's area of effect. So yes, grapling and dragging would work to free someone from the spell.

    The spell text issilent on what happens to someone who falls through a web. That seems like something a gm would have to make a call on.
    Last edited by Xiander; 2020-11-13 at 10:50 AM.