Worse Than the Disease

All the exiles find the inside of the base to be much more comfortable than the outside - even without a heater, it is still refreshingly warm compared to the harsh wilds.
Tariq quickly cottons onto why the office door was unlocked. Most of the place has been looted thoroughly, leaving behind trash, desk frames, and big heavy barricades on all the other doors (the ones leading further into the base). Someone probably left here in a hurry after taking whatever they could, months ago.

Tariq finds no sign of recent activity around the base (in the places he can access, at least).
The infirmary door is a locked, metal door that seems like it was maintained, but still rusted here and there.

(OOC: Picking the lock has a base -2 penalty. The security door has DR 30 and 47 HP (no exposed hardware). See AtE2, page 33-34. Cross your fingers...)