"Tricky to say," Zeruel comments as he steps forward to examine the hololith. He had never had the dubious pleasure of serving on the war world of Khazant, but he had served with a handful of Deathwatch marines who had in the past, and what they had to say was rarely positive, "It could have been a simple attack of opportunity and they would have shot down any ship unfortunate or foolish enough to move into their range...However I'm inclined to agree that to be so quick to capture her and the vessel is likely no coincidence."

The Lamenter strokes his bare chin, angelic features scanning over the information that the holographic display has for them. "Regardless, it goes without saying that we cannot allow this information to fall into the foul hands of the Archenemy. Such a tragedy would no doubt have dire effects on the sector's ability to defend itself from attack."