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Thread: Deathwatch - Acheros Salient IC

  1. - Top - End - #12
    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Default Re: Deathwatch - Acheros Salient IC

    Elyas nods at Korbin's comments. "You are right, we do not have time for stealth, and the enemy is no doubt expecting a rescue attempt anyway." He pauses and contemplates the situation for a moment, and continues.
    "Perhaps we could combine approaches. We take the drop pod down to minimize the time they have to mount a response, then we complete our objectives, disable the defenses, and either teleport out or evacuate with a Stormraven, depending on whether or not slaying the witches reduces the interference. Whatever we do, we must decide quickly. Every second we waste here is another the Navis may be having her mind torn asunder."
    Last edited by UselessBlob; 2020-11-24 at 11:54 AM.