
The Rune Priest listened in silence to the word of his bretheren, and noted what he thought were the pro's and con's of each approach. Finally, he gave his final opinion.

"You all speak with merit, brothers," his smooth, deep voice announced, "but I stick to my mind that we must arrive as swift and silent as possible, acquire our mark and then depart. The Witch Cove may not even be in the area, which will leave us stranded if we are relying on their extermination in order to be retrieved via teleportatium."

The Space Wolf leans forward and points one large finger at the region designated as a geothermal power facility.

"We approach undetected in the Stormraven, retrieve the mark, neutralise the power cables to the defense grid and then depart the planet."

Drawing his hand back and nodding once, "that is my assessment brothers."

It was clear that Ragnir was offering his opinion on the matter. He would, of course, apply himself completely to whatever decision was taken.